How do I book a session?

  • Select the film you’d like to take a class group to, press the BOOK NOW button and complete a booking request form. You can make a booking and confirm numbers later. The Schools Booking team will make contact within 3 days to confirm the details. Once final numbers have been locked in, we’ll issue you an invoice for payment.

  • Tickets for the general public will be available from the MIFF website and box office, along with the rest of the MIFF program, from 14 July.

How can I pay?

  • You can either pay up-front with a credit card (Visa or MasterCard only), bank transfer, cheque or money order. 
  • All bookings must be paid for in full 10 days before the first MIFF Schools screening booked. Tickets will not be issued until payment is made. Late payments will not be accepted, and the bookings will be cancelled and tickets resold if payment is not made in advance.
  • If your school requires invoices to contain a Purchase Order Number, please add this number into our online booking form.

How do I obtain a purchase order number?

  • Either your head of department, bursar or accounts department will be authorised to issue or approve purchase orders, depending on your school. We will then use your unique purchase order number to invoice your school.

How can I check the age appropriateness?

  • MIFF has provided suitability recommendations according to school-year level/age group for all MIFF Schools films yet to be classified. These recommendations can be found under the individual film listings online. This content advice is designed as a guide only. If you would like more information about individual films, please don’t hesitate to contact the MIFF office on 03 8660 4888 or email boxoffice(at)


  • The majority of the films screening at MIFF have not gone through the classification process that determines how a film is rated (G, PG, M, etc.). Most of these unclassified films screen within the festival with a general exemption that only allows people aged 18 and over to attend.
  • The MIFF Schools films get a special classification exemption that allows people of any age to attend, on the condition that an adult guardian accompanies anybody under 15 years old.
  • For more information, please visit Australian Classification at

Is there any content I should be concerned about?

  • MIFF is careful to select films that are appropriate for younger viewers, but we do urge teachers and parents to carefully read the synopsis of each film and take into account the school year-level recommendation before booking.
  • If you have any concerns, or for more detailed information on the content of the film, please feel free to contact MIFF at boxoffice(at) or on 03 8660 4888.

How can I learn more about the content of the films?

  • Please visit the individual film listings on the Films page for information about the films in the MIFF Schools program.
  • The free webinars for teachers (presented by MLTAV & MIFF) will provide more information about four of the films in the MIFF Schools program.
  • If you would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact MIFF on 03 8660 4888 or email boxoffice(at)

How does MIFF choose films for the MIFF Schools program?

  • When selecting films for the MIFF Schools program, MIFF looks for diverse, high quality, innovative, challenging and entertaining films that our programmers feel should be made accessible to younger viewers as well as older audiences. The themes that the films explore are taken into consideration so that young people can best identify with the content of the films. MIFF also programs films that are in the languages most commonly taught in Victorian schools.

What languages are the films in? Are non-English films subtitled?

  • Check the individual film listings for information about what language each film is in. All films in the 2017 program screen with English subtitles.

 Are there any resources available to me for the classroom?

  • The webinars will provide teachers with insights and resources for use in lesson planning and the classroom.

Who do I call with questions about my booking?

  • Please call the MIFF office on 03 8660 4888 and speak to a Schools Booking representitive.

Can I purchase tickets to other MIFF sessions?

  • Schools may only book into selected MIFF Schools sessions due to classification restrictions on the majority of the MIFF program.
  • Individuals over 18 years old can purchase tickets to all sessions in the MIFF program from Friday 14 July.

Can I purchase a ticket to a MIFF Schools session if I am not connected to a school?

  • Bookings for MIFF Schools sessions are exclusively available to schools until Friday 14 July. After that date (pending availability) the MIFF Schools sessions also go on sale to the general public along with the rest of the MIFF program.
  • Films in the MIFF Schools program are chosen with a wide audience in mind, so members of the general public are very much encouraged to attend MIFF Schools sessions!

How can I get more accessibility information relating to MIFF Schools screenings?

  • Visit our Access information page for an overview of access facilities available at the ACMI and Hoyts cinemas.
  • During the booking process, you will be asked if any of members of your group have any access needs. Please make sure you let us know in as much detail as possible and we’ll be happy to accommodate you wherever possible.

What are my parking and travel options?

  • Visit our Venues information page for an overview of travel and parking options to make your MIFF Schools trip easy. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us at boxoffice(at)