Free Teachers' Webinars

MIFF, in partnership with the Modern Language Teachers' Association of Victoria (MLTAV), will present eight FREE webinars for teachers during term 2 of 2017. The webinars are designed to demonstrate to teachers how to work with each of the MIFF Schools films in the classroom, before and after viewing them at MIFF. 

Each webinar will comprise: 

  • a 20-minute presentation by a film analysis specialist
  • a 20-minute presentation by a language specialist
  • 20 minutes for questions. 

MLTAV will provide Certificates of Participation to recognise Professional Learning (PL) for all teachers who participate in the live webinars, as well as those who later access and engage with the archived versions. This Professional Learning evidence can be used to contribute to the PL requirements for teacher registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.

The webinars are FREE and participating teachers who wish to view them live and interact with the presenters will simply need access to the internet.

Click on the film titles below to access the webinar links:

Archived webinar now available to view

Archived webinar now available to view

Archived webinar now available to view

Archived webinar now available to view

Archived webinar now available to view

Archived webinar now available to view

Archived webinar now available to view

Archived webinar now available to view

Can't make these dates? Never fear, the webinars will all be recorded and available to view on demand; when available, the links will switch from the live webinar to the archived versions.

How to Join the Webinars

Visit this page on the date of the webinars (approximately 5-10 minutes before the start time) and click the links above (the film names) to join the webinar live.

Technical Details

The webinars will be run using Adobe Connect. It's easy to join: you will just need a good internet connection, a microphone and the latest version of Adobe Flash Player to participate. 

To download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player (free), go to:

To learn more about using Adobe on a computer, download the Adobe guide. To learn more about using Adobe on a tablet device, please read the tablet guide

The Department of Education also has a helpful guide to webinars.  

View Later

In order to view a past webinar, visit this page following the dates above and enjoy the webinars at your own pace. Each webinar recording will be watchable approximately one to two days after occurring; the links above will take you to the archived webinars.

Set an Email Reminder

Subscribe to the MIFF Schools eNews for webinar reminders and information.